Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jo Rowling and Padawan

Once again I have twenty minutes to write this blog.

So I was going to have a really productive day. I went to have cupcakes with my padawan* and then I was going to be completely productive after that. Then I remembered about the Giants game, so I watched that which was nice because it's the first win I've seen this year as I was working all day when Zito won. I'm behind in my online class and I need to do my taxes. I was going to work on those things after the game, but immediately after we finished watching the game, I got called into work. By the time I got home from work it was time to watch The Office, 30 Rock, and Community. So basically the only thing I did today was wash my sheets, which I still haven't actually put on my bed. Kind of a mega fail of a day and I'm not even writing a decent blog.

I was asked to share my thoughts on Jo Rowling's new book, which I said I wasn't going to do, but I need to talk about something. Basically, I'm stoked that Jo is writing a new book. If she was writing a children's book with one work per page I would probably pre-order it. I am anxiously awaiting September 27th. However, "The Casual Vacancy" is kind of a dumb title and the synopsis isn't very exciting to me. And Barry? Really? The main character's name is one letter different from "Harry"? I'm hoping this was on purpose to make us laugh. I doubt she would drop the ball, though. 

*I don't think I've explained my padawan around here. About a year and a half ago I had this coworker who mentioned she had never read Harry Potter. After regaining the ability to form words, I told her I wouldn't talk to her until she started reading them. (To me, sayings "I've never read Harry Potter," is like saying, "I've never eaten pizza. How is that possible?) The very next week she told me she had started reading the first book and was already hooked. She completely fell in love with the series to the point where she came to LeakyCon with me in July. I also introduced her to the Vlog Brothers and she came to VidCon with me. Basically, I grab her by the hand and give her a tour of all my fandoms until she is fully immersed in nerdom. She is learning the ways of The Force.

Listening to: Carrie Underwood: Play On

1 comment:

  1. That is a good song.
    I agree that Barry Fairweather sounds like a dull name but Lauren's reaction video was adorably cute.
    I think that the title sounds dull but I am looking forward to reading the book <3
