Sunday, April 1, 2012

BEDA Is a Thing

I have decided to participate in BEDA this year, which is a thing I have never done before. For anyone who doesn't know, BEDA is "Blog Every Day in April." Basically, it is a thing that Maureen Johnson came up with to get people to blog more consistently. Or something. Why am I exposing you to the inner-workings of my brain every day for a month? That's a good question. Who knows? Maybe it's because there are things that I've previously felt the need to express through blog or vlogs and was just to lazy to make it happen and this will sort of force me to. Having goals is something I need to do for myself in order to do anything, really. Apart from doing BEDA, in April I will be reading A LOT to catch up with where I should be to reach my goal of reading 52 books this year. I am like 5 books behind at this point. I may or may not write a few book reviews. I'll be letting you know what I'm currently reading at the end of every blog in case you are wondering (and also what I'm listening to). Today I have started my last class before I get my AA, so it's going to be a busy month.

I wasn't sure what to talk about (I know, first day and I already don't know what I'm doing) and I was told to talk about why I don't like April Fools Day. Aside from the really dumb, very obviously false things coming at me from all directions, I may have at one point thought certain things were funny that definitely aren't. Two years ago I thought it would be funny to change my relationship status to "taken" on Facebook. (I also changed my birthday to April 1st, but that is irrelevant to the point of the story.) Now, I have never had a boyfriend, so I thought this falsehood would not fool anyone. I definitely made a few people think I had a boyfriend, which was rather unfortunate when my male friend changed his relationship status to "taken" shortly thereafter. Being a church friend, we have a lot of mutual friends (I just looked and that number is currently 77) who saw that we had both changed our status. Needless to say, a lot of people made jokes about us dating. I did not find these remotely funny and was pretty mad at my friend for feeling the need to do the same ridiculously lame prank that I did. The worst part was that one man at our church told him that he should in fact date me because I have good teeth. This inadequately explains how I was scarred for life. I don't like April Fools Day. I'm sorry for exposing people to my unfunny previous "pranks." J.K. Rowling is not writing an episode of Doctor Who.

I just finished Buffy on Friday and it was so fantastic! I can't believe it took me so long to watch it. I recommend it to anyone who likes supernatural-type shows. Possibly a blog about that to come. I just started watching Arrested Development (again) with a friend who had never seen it, but once I finish that and my current rewatch of The Office, I am going to start watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, which my friend Jordan (whose blog is below) is always raving about, and Angel. 

Hopefully my BEDAs will be less pointless in the future! Thank you for stopping by!

Check out my friends' BEDAs:

Listening to: Ingrid Michaelson: Human Again
Reading: Persuasion

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