I've had a lot of barriers to being productive lately. I feel like I'm finally starting to leave the heavy fog of depression behind me and gaining some new perspective and breaking through the person I don't want to be, but these last five or six days have been filled with heavy anxiety (the kind that makes me feel like my body is a brick and my heart might literally beat out of my chest and it feels like I'm dying), a sinus infection, and the kind of exhaustion where my head is just fog. It's really discouraging to just barely start to feel like I can breathe a bit and then have my body and mind attack me again. I don't really know how to fix this, but I know I need to try to get through and not let my anxiety steal my life from me. It's very hard to find the balance between not letting my anxiety/depression rule me and knowing some days it will get the better of me and that's not cause to beat myself up.
Last year, I started the tag "#GetItTogetherSeptember" which was basically me trying to make myself do the things I had continually been putting on the back burner and getting my shit together. I believe I was pretty unsuccessful. Even so, I'm doing it again this year. Hopefully a blog of my goals will help me to get them accomplished. I've said this before, but I think there's a lot of power in sharing your goals with others.
September Goals:
- Go to the doctor
- Get all my crowdfund perks done and sent out
- Make at least three YouTube videos
- Do a Fangorn Fables blog
- Walk (or hike) for at least half an hour four times per week
- Go on at least one adventure
- Make a budget for the month and stick to it
- Do at least one social thing per week
- Apply to at least two jobs per week
- Write in my journal every day
- Read at least one chapter of a book every day
- Finish at least five books
- Clean/organize my room
- Draw one thing every day
- Answer my friend surveys
I would love to hear some goals that you guys have this month, and it would be my favorite if you use my hashtag. Here's to a good September and being our best selves every day!