From Moose: What is the best cupcake?
For anyone who may not know, my best friend works at a cupcakery called Sift. They make amazing cupcakes. They're all pretty fantastic. My favourite is probably the custom one I invented at about 2 AM when she came to Jacksonville. I lovingly named it Razzcheese. It is a raspberry cupcake with raspberry jam filling, cream cheese frosting, a dollop of chocolate ganache on top, and (on a good day) sparkles. I actually just finished eating one and I would not be surprised if I can now breathe sparkles and happiness.
From Will: Why are you are Giants fan when your dad is an A's fan?
I didn't really watch much professional baseball until I was in sixth or seventh grade. My sister had gotten really into it and suddenly Giants games were on all the time in the house. I don't think even my dad kept up with baseball on the daily at that point because I can't even remember A's games being on much before that time period. This was also 2001ish when Barry Bonds was in the process of doing exciting things with home run records. The three children in the family are all Giants fans, but my dad grew up in the east bay so he is an A's (and stupidly also a Yankees) fan, and my mom grew up in southern California as a Dodgers fan, so she became an A's fan for rivalry reasons but still wanting to support a more local team (though she weirdly gets more into Giants games than my dad). There will be much unrest in my household if a Bay Bridge series happens.
From Jordan: Who is your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why?
This is a really hard question, though I guess when it comes down to it, it would have to be Sam. Sam is such a loyal, caring, unfaltering friend. Tolkien himself considers Sam to be the hero of the story, and I wholeheartedly agree that Frodo could not have made it without his Sam. He is probably the most relateable character for me besides maybe Eowyn, and is the person I would most want to have in my life. His relationship with Frodo is probably my very favourite fictional example of how great friend love is (though Lord of the Rings in general shows a lot of really fantastic friendships which is one of the reasons I love it so stinking much). That being said, I have an undying love for Legolas. Those smooth moves, man. And his dynamic with Gimli is just beautiful. I also love Aragorn, Eowyn, Faramir, Merry, Pippin, and Gandalf. Okay, there are a lot of great characters in LotR. Not Denethor. I don't like Denethor.
From Hannah: How did you get into the fandoms you are currently into (Doctor Who, Harry Potter, etc)? Any special stories?
I don't really have any particularly good stories. I started watching Doctor Who because
Charlie talked about it and had a timelord band and I was curious about the thing that he loved so much that it inspired him to make music. And actually, some of my friends started watching it at the same time as I did. Harry Potter was kind of slow for me. I wasn't super interested when my mom handed me the first book. I read it and enjoyed it and then read the second and then forgot about it for awhile until I think Goblet of Fire (the book) came out. I don't think I was like SUPER into it until around the time Goblet of Fire came out in theatres. So many of my friends enjoyed the books and movies, and the bookss were such an escape from me. I didn't really read for fun in high school except for Harry Potter. It sort of saved me from a lot of depression through the years. And then around 2010 I finally discovered wizard rock through watching the 5 Awesome Girls and other YouTubers and that was when I really discovered the fandom itself and gained an even deeper appreciation for it. Lord of the Rings is somewhat special, I guess. I didn't really like fantasy outside of, like, Harry Potter and Narnia, and I always considered them sort of guy films. I hate that I ever thought that. One day in December 2003, I was out shopping with my sister when I was accused of stealing. I came home in tears, so upset that I had been called a thief. I told my dad what happened and he called the lady who accused me and had a very intense chat with her. That is the only time in my life I remember my dad getting protective of me. He had been watching Fellowship of the Ring. He wasn't very far in, just past explaining the history of the Ring of Power, but in his true fashion, he took ten minutes explaining it to me instead of going back to the beginning. That was the first time I watched it and I was completely surprised and unwilling to admit how much I loved it. I re-watched them again in the spring when I got my wisdom teeth out and that was the first time I really craved watching the movies. Is it weird to crave movies? I mostly crave those. And Tarzan when the soundtrack comes on. I didn't think I had anything to say about this and then this suddenly become super long. Whoops.
From Katherine: Please tell me your dream job!
I think my absolutely made up dream job that can never happen is to just travel the world and get sponsored and paid to write about it. Traveling and writing are my favourite things to do, so if I could find a career where I could combine those, I would be so, so happy. So I guess writer in general is a dream job. A thing I actually do hope to do someday is open a book shop and tea store which would turn into a bar at night. I want to do this with my friends and they actually like the idea so hopefully one day we will have the means to start our own business. If nothing else, I could self-publish some novels and distribute them in my own book store. It's just hard since independent bookstores aren't exactly a booming industry these days.
From Duncan: What is your favourite stuffed animal?
I feel like this question shouldn't be as easy for a 25-year-old to answer as it is for me, and there is definitely backstory. After Borders closed, a group of nerdfighters opened a bookstore called Inklings in Santa Cruz. I actually met the Hannah and Moose of previous questions at that bookstore. I took Ashleigh there for her birthday in 2012. They closed in the spring of last year. I went with some of my friends, including Ashleigh, a few days before they closed. Ashleigh and I both bought Squishable red pandas. We knew I'd be moving, so we decided to hug them when we were apart and missed each other. Mine's name is Daryl and hers is Bilius. Hers has the much better and more significant name since Ronald Bilus Weasley is the best redhead ever and Harry Potter has so much to do with our friendship. But, you know, Daryl Dixon kicks ass.
Thank you to everyone who asked questions! <3
Listening to: Vessel by Twenty One Pilots